Sonic the hedgehog pc
Sonic the hedgehog pc

The third stage however is just another water level, and it isn't any better than Labyrinth Zone. Then you go into Scrap Brain Zone which is fine for the first two stages, it has a lot of challenge but it is definitely a good challenge, but still hard. Over all, this zone feels pretty good probably from the fact that in the past 3 zones, 2 of them were just WAY TOO SLOW. Not to mention, it has the best boss fight of them all, which isn't saying much. it definitely isn't as fun as Green Hill but it actually has momentum. Now, once you get out of Labyrinth zone which is TERRIBLE, you move on to "Star Light Zone" and this is FINALLY a good zone. This isn't a unique game mechanic, this is one that slows the game down for no reason other than the fact that they couldn't make a good challenge that was actually fun. In this game, water levels just mean that it is like any other level except you accelerate much slower, slip and slide around all over the place and constantly have to find bubbles so you can breathe.

sonic the hedgehog pc

Have you ever played the water levels in Mario, Donkey Kong, or any other game? In those games, you can actually SWIM. Then you go into spring yard zone and it is pretty drab, and then labyrinth zone. This isn't what sonic is supposed to be nor ever should it be. In Marble Zone however, you just stand there for half the time, literally. For a Sonic game, I am expecting speed, momentum, and collecting a whole lotta rings. Well, after Green Hill Zone you end up in "Marble Zone" which is one of the SLOWEST LEVELS EVER. The first zone "Green Hill Zone" is easily the best zone, and it is also the first, hence why a lot of people probably think this game is still great! Because they revisit it by playing green hill zone and then not play afterwards and think the game is still fresh.

sonic the hedgehog pc

This game has 7 "Zones" which are levels split up into 3 stages (Final Zone only has one boss fight) and the goal is to play through the seven zones without getting a game over while also getting the 6 chaos emeralds.

sonic the hedgehog pc

It wasn't until recently when I played it on the emulator on Steam with save states and rewinding where I could actually complete the game without wanting to throw my device out a Window. I first played this game on my DSi in the Sonic Classic Collection and I could never get through Marble Zone. I understand that this game went up against Mario back in the 90's and was the closest thing to beat it, however, the game today is just plain and simple BAD. This review contains spoilers, click expand to view.

Sonic the hedgehog pc